Christian Leadership Alliance

Christian Leadership Alliance provides resources to Christian leaders all throughout the year. From an online learning academy to webinars to a mentoring network, they needed an online home to facilitate the training and resources they offer. With their new site built on TAG Tools, they can easily create landing pages for each class, session, or networking event and integrate with their registration database for seamless processing. In addition to the main CLA site, The A Group also built a separate microsite for their yearly conference.
Social Media

Donned in bright orange hashtag tees, The A Group team took over the CLA social media for the 2014 annual conference, tweeting, Facebooking, Instagramming and blogging on behalf of CLA and the event. As the "on the ground" team responsible for all social media coverage for the conference, we posted live updates and quotes from speakers and sessions, collected photos, shot "man on the street" video interviews, and shared schedules, news, and informational updates to keep a steady stream of posts going around the event. As a result of the social media at the event, CLA gained 115 new Twitter followers and The A Group gained 65, showing that building a buzz doesn't just engage current audiences but grabs the attention of new potential followers.